The CH360 range features the new 6-stage Adaptive Charge Profile (ACP) technology from Apuljack Electronics.
This product is form, fit and function compatible with the Sanken 18A Open Frame charger that we previously supplied, part code SMPCBSAN/18A. Click here to download the datasheet.
SAFETY WARNING: This item is an internal OEM replacement component hence the person who fits it is responsible for the electrical safety of the charger and the unit it is fitted within. Only to be fitted by suitably qualified competent persons.
Dimensions are:
168 x 113 x 56mm
ACP technology adjusts the Equaliser stage to suit the capacity and
charge characteristics of the battery connected. The Bulk and
Absorption phase times are measured by the charger and the ACP algorithm
calculates the optimum equalisation time for that particular charge
cycle. This helps to maximise the life of the battery. The unit uses a
battery-sense start-up and will only start when a battery voltage of
>4V is detected. This is to prevent damaging the unit by attaching it
to degraded batteries.
• Stage 1: Soft Start – the charger
gently begins charging at a maximum of 8A, this helps to protect very
flat or damaged batteries. (RED/GREEN LED FLASH)
• Stage 2: Bulk –
Output current limited to 12/18/20A - the charger adds most of the
energy into the battery in this phase. (RED LED)
• Stage 3: Absorption – Output held at 14.45V – The final 10-20% of the charge is added to the battery. (RED LED)
Stage 4: Equaliser – the ACP algorithm – the remaining charge is added
and the individual cells are allowed to equalise. (ORANGE LED)
Stage 5: Float – Output held at 13.7V – Battery full – held at this
industry standard level to avoid excessive leakage. (GREEN LED)
• Stage 6: Maintenance – Output boosted to 14.45V – designed to reduce sulphation and top up charge if required. (GREEN LED)
the ACP determines the overall length of the boost voltage, unlike
other chargers which would remain at this voltage if a damaged battery
were connected, the CH360 range has an intelligently controlled safety
timer. This timer terminates the boost voltage after a 4 or 12 hour
period (profile dependant) to protect your battery.
The BLUE LED indicates POWER ON if solid, or OVER TEMPERATURE if flashing, unit should be left to cool before attempt to use.